KitSap County
A 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization / 509(a)2 Public Charity
Jessie is our one eyed wonder. She is currently in our healing pasture as she can’t be turned out into the large herd.
We rescued Jessie June of 2020 from the feedlot. Jessie was injured and ultimately blind in one eye so she was deemed useless and sold to end up as a slaughter bound horse.
She is a 14 hands paint mare and as sweet as they come. When she got here, she was pretty beat up, especially on her blind side from the other horses at the feedlot.
We had a huge yard sale and made enough through donations to have her surgery to remove her eye that was blind. She has since recovered through a lot of love and necessary medical attention.
Jessie has been recently adopted by Kasia Kines! She remains boarded at Toni's Ponies and we are excited to see her and Kasia grow as a team!